IBS Institute for Basic Science



Sukbok Chang is listed as top highly cited scientists in the world by Clarivate Analytics.

Writer : CCHF RegDate : 2017-12-06 Hit:1416

Sukbok Chang is listed in the top 1% of Highly Cited Researchers of The World in 2017 by Clarivate Analytics (formerly part of Thomson Reuters), a global academic information service firm.


Sukbok Chang, Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalizations earned a spot in chemistry for three consecutive years since 2015



Clarivate Analytics has announced the annual ranking of researchers in the top 1% by citations since 2014. This year’s list is the result of analyzing citations of over 130,000 papers published over an 11-year period from 2005 to 2015 in the Web of Science, an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service. Over 3,300 researchers were named in 21 categories with the U.S. taking up the most spots with 1,661 researchers followed by 350 of the United Kingdom and 237 of China. Thirty scientists working in Korea were honored this year, 28 of which are Korean nationals.